About me

I felt as if I was at a crossroads in my life, I wasn't sure where I was going, or what I was doing, or even who I really was.

I knew I was deeply unhappy in my dead end job, I felt I was destined for something greater, but I never knew what this was.

I felt like everyone around me, my friends and my family, all had their careers and I felt like everyone knew from an early age, what they wanted to do with their lives.

I was coming up to my 36th birthday and I still had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up.

I felt lost, I thought a lot 'What is the point in it all?'

I felt restless.

I felt like I was plodding along, in a job that didn't fill my soul, going through the motions. I didn't want to continue living this way. I wanted to feel fulfilled and excited about getting up every day. 

I kept asking the questions 'What can I do?'

'What should I be doing?'

I was definitely asking the universe for it's divine guidance.

One day, I was sat on my sofa and it came to me 'Reiki'.

It's strange, because I realised I'd had this subtle thought a few times of late, but this was the time I was ready to hear it, I was finally paying attention.

I started looking at courses and books and found my lovely teacher, Brighitta. Her book, so beautifully written, her words sang a sweet and subtle song to my soul.

As soon as I decided to pursue Reiki, my whole life changed. I was suddenly faced with my childhood trauma, learning about chakras and where I store this trauma.

I was remembering things I had blocked out. For the first time in my life, I was really seeing myself.

It's difficult and painful to look at the darkest parts of ourselves. I could feel my constant resistance in doing this deep work, but also my deep commitment, my will and my strength to really see myself. To not hide from any part of myself. To not only accept my darkness but to love those parts. To shine light on those areas and to view and listen without judgment or shame, but with love and compassion.

Reiki guided me back to my true self and I am eternally grateful for this journey.

I feel like I've been given this beautiful and magical gift, but it's not mine, it belongs to the universe and every soul that dwells within.