What is Reiki? 

Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine, called energy healing, founded by Mikao Usui, involving the laying on of hands.

As a Reiki Master, I act as a conduit to allow Reiki energy to channel through my hands in a series of non-intrusive positions around the body.

This truly is a magical and mystical system, connecting us to ourselves and source.

Every soul has an energy body and sometimes our energy bodies can become unbalanced, which can then manifest as mental and physical illness.

Reiki will unveil where these imbalances are and gently clear and heal all that no longer serves us.

People find Reiki deeply relaxing, helping with all manner of emotions and physical illness. Including anxiety, depression, insomnia, addiction, childhood trauma, stress, pain, mental health, relaxation, grief, surgical recovery, cancer and emotional healing.

Reiki is the sacred, universal energy of nature.

It is the essence of who we truly are.

"Just for today

Do not be angry

Do not worry

Be grateful

Be true to your way and your being

Be kind to yourself and to others"

What to expect during your session

I have a beautiful space to share Reiki, where I will play quiet, relaxing music.

We will sit down and speak about what it is you would like from your Reiki session, I find it extremely helpful to set an intention before we start.

I have a comfortable treatment table for you to lay down, supported by pillows and a blanket if desired. I will ask you to lay on your back and close your eyes throughout.

I will then connect with Reiki energy.

I will then move around you, placing my hands in different, non-invasive positions, guided by Reiki energy.

You will feel me move around you, perhaps feeling the heat coming from my hands, perhaps gentle pulsations throughout your body.

Some people fall in to a deep, sleep like meditative state. Each session is different for everyone, some people may feel Reiki energy greatly, for others it's very subtle and uneventful, yet you may feel somehow better afterwards.

The most common affect of Reiki is deep relaxation and stress release. 

Our session will last between 60 - 90 minutes.

At the end of our session I will let you rest for a few minutes, whilst I write down what I have felt and areas that have become unbalanced and restored.

I will gently wake you up and ask you to sit up slowly, when you're ready and we will sit and have a chat about what you have experienced.

Reiki is deeply relaxing and some people can take a few minutes to come round.

My aim is to make you as comfortable and relaxed as possible throughout, I'm happy to answer any questions you may have before and after our session.

Some people feel refreshed afterwards, others may feel more tired than usual, both are perfectly normal.